D. Gitonga, C. Wekesa, E. Kiseu, G. Kowero, D. Mutta, R. Omondi, A. RoosReport
This report presents proceedings of “AfricanYouth4Forests” project workshop held in Voi, Taita Taveta county, Kenya from 7 to 9 November 2022. The workshop was jointly organised by African Forest F...
La déforestation et la dégradation des forêts provoquent actuellement un déclin rapide du couvert forestier sur le continent africain. Entre 2010 et 2020, l’Afrique a enregistré un taux annuel de p...
Le Cadre de Varsovie adopté lors de la COP19 en 2013 fixe les lignes directrices de REED+. Le processus REDD+ comprend quatre (4) composantes qui doivent être toutes intégralement réalisées à savoi...
South Africa is faced with persistently high levels of poverty and unemployment. Forestry being a rurally based activity is ideally placed to contribute towards wealth generation and job creation i...
La présente étude a été conduite dans le cadre de deux projets de African Forest Forum (AFF) intitulés « Renforcement de la gestion durable des forêts en Afrique » et « Forêts d'Afrique, les Popula...
Le Burkina Faso est un pays dont l’économie est basée, entre autres, sur le secteur primaire qui contribue en moyenne pour environ 30,90% au PIB national. Au cours de ces dernières décennies, cette...
Les forêts et les terres boisées soutiennent directement et indirectement les économies des pays sahéliens comme le Niger dans le développement des stratégies d’adaptation au changement climatique ...
Ferdinand Handavu, Stephen Syampungani, Gudeta W. Sileshi & Paxie W. C. ChirwaReport
Globally, belowground biomass (BGB) accounts for 20–26% of total biomass, and as such it is an important carbon (C) pool for many vegetation types. However, large uncertainty exists for belowground...
The 10th Anniversary of the African Forest Forum (AFF) was celebrated on 22 May 2019, at the Amani Gardens, Karura Forest Service grounds in Nairobi Kenya. The celebration of this important anniver...
This report presents the results of a study carried out in 2017 through visits to sampled West and Central African countries, namely: Niger, Sierra Leone, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Camer...
The African Forest Forum (AFF) commissioned this study in four of the ten countries in Central Africa (Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Gabon and the Republic of Congo) as part of its activi...
This study aimed to assess the green economy potential in the forest sector. It identified and analysed key elements within the forest sector that contribute to green economy, as well as the variou...
In many African countries, the private sector in forestry is almost non-existent as an organized entity that one can dialogue with. This is also true in Tanzania, the country this study reports on,...
This study provides information to support catalysing the emergence of organized private sector in forestry in Kenya, through promotion of promising public private partnership (PPP) approaches for ...
Forests and forestry continue to be very much profiled on the global agenda and their relevance to other sectors of national economies is increasingly been recognized and appreciated. This progress...
This report highlights some findings from evaluation activities that have been undertaken on projects implemented by the African Forest Forum (AFF). Specifically, the evaluations were undertaken wi...
The African Forest Forum (AFF) website serves as a knowledge and information hub on African forestry for its members and stakeholders. It avails knowledge on priority issues that are critical for t...
Cameroon's land area covers about 46 million ha with 16.8 million ha as dense tropical forests and 29.8 million ha as degraded humid forests. The almost double proportion of degraded forests to den...
In the first phase of the project Lessons learnt on Sustainable Forest Management in Africa (SFM I, 20022005) funded by Sida and carried out jointly by the African Forest Research Network (AFO...
Lundgren, B., Owino, F., Ishengoma, R. & Gondo, P.Report
This report contains the outcomes of the planning phase of a joint project between the African Forest Forum and the Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry. The project started in early 2...
Southern African forest ecosystems (both natural and exotic) provide a wide range of economic, social and ecological services and are under threat from various causes, hence the need to implement s...
Non-wood forest products (NWFPs) play important roles in the daily lives and overall well being of rural and urban people in Africa. NWFPs are major sources for food, medicines, fodder, gums, fibre...
This study was undertaken as part of the initiative by the Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry (KSLA) in collaboration with the Forestry Department of the United Nations Food and Agri...
Forest certification is a mechanism by which well-managed forests are able to communicate information about the quality of forest management to markets.
Activity Outline
Forest certification scheme...
In late 2002, the African Academy of Sciences (AAS), the Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry (KSLA) and the Forestry Department of FAO jointly initiated a project entitled Lessons le...
Forests and woodlands cover vast areas of Africa, representing a substantial percentage of global forest cover. Tropical moist forests in Central and parts of West Africa and woodlands in Southern ...
This paper is one amongst several commissioned by the project Lessons Learnt on Sustainable Forest Management in Africa, or SFM in Africa, for short. The understanding that several forestry pro...
The Sahel is a climatic zone that stretches from the Atlantic Ocean to the Red Sea with a width of 400 km to 600 km from North to South and a rainfall ranging from 100 to 600 mm. This zone is chara...
As Africa enters the 21st century, many developmental challenges are encountered across the continent. Among them, the goal of achieving sustainable use of natural resources especially forests - ...
The search for sustainable methods of land use goes back to the 1950s when planned community development thrusts were introduced but later abandoned in the 1960s. In the late 1960s to early 1970s t...
The estimates by the International Energy Agency (IEA) in 2013 indicated that in 2011 about 2.64 billion people relied on biomass, mostly fuel wood for cooking. Sub‐Sahara...