Evaluation of Efficiency of the Sawn Timber Value Chain in Kenya
The study team wishes to sincerely thank all the persons and institutions who supported
the conceptualization, field survey, and the preparation of this report. We thank the African
Forest Forum ...

Developing circular economy in Eastern Africa through liquid biofuels: cases of Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania
The African Forest Forum (AFF) has undertaken studies in four African sub-regions to assess the potential of selected African countries to produce and use of liquid biofuels as a strategy for devel...

Sustainability of land management approaches and practices applied in Eastern African forests
The African Forest Forum (AFF) has implemented a project on “Strengthening management and use of forest ecosystems for sustainable development in Africa”. The project aimed to sustainably
manage f...

Assessment of forest planning and management in different forest types in selected African Countries
This study is part of a project on “Strengthening management and use of forest ecosystems for sustainable development in Africa”, which is funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperatio...

Enhancement of national forest governance to respond to the Paris Agreement and related global climate change policies and initiatives in Eastern and Southern Africa
Since climate change is one of the greatest threats to life on earth, it has become imperative that international forest and climate change dedicated instruments and cross-cutting issues instrument...

Strengthening capacity of forestry stakeholders to integrate and uptake forest and tree-based climate change adaptation and mitigation options in francophone African countries
Forests and trees provide huge opportunities for African countries to respond to their post-2020 climate change mitigation and adaptation commitments. The contribution of forests and/or trees to mi...

Strengthening capacity of African stakeholders to integrate and uptake forest and farm tree-based adaptation and mitigation options in response to climate change in Anglophone and Lusophone Africa
The vulnerability of rural households to climate change in Africa is caused by exposure to climate variability and extreme weather events and by a combination of social, economic and environmental ...

Review of land use, land use change and forest sector potential for green economy in Anglophone West African countries
Contemporary development trajectories over the years have continued to advance human well-being through phenomenal growth and wealth, never witnessed before in human history. With these advances ha...

Public-private-partnerships in the forest sector in Africa: Country Report for Uganda
Forest resources are of prime importance to the people and economy of Uganda owing to the range of ecological, economic, social and cultural products and services they provide for a multitude of st...

Public-private-partnerships in the forest sector and sustainable livelihood development in Nigeria
Public private partnership as a concept has gained ground over the last few decades as a virile approach to delivering goods and services. It is a contractual agreement between a public agency and ...

Training needs analysis and forestry curricula evaluation in professional and technical institutions in sub-Sahara Anglophone countries
Current training needs and emerging trends in the forestry sector have prompted a number of forestry educational institutions to review their traditional curricula in order to produce well equipped...

Public and private sector development on forest products industry in Ghana
This study was commissioned by the African Forest Forum to analyze the nature and trends in primary and secondary forest production in Ghana with emphasis on public and private sector contribution ...

Positioning forestry as an entry point and pathway for green economy development in West Africa: African Forest Forum
This report presents the harmonized and expanded results of studies carried out in 2016 by two teams of researchers on the potential of forests for green economy development in West Africa: the Ang...

Potential for private sector development in Africa. A synthesis report for Eastern African countries of Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda and Ethiopia
The primary production in Eastern Africa takes place in public natural forests, plantations, farm forests, community forests and private forests. These forests, for various reasons, are experiencin...

The Status of Tree and Forest Pests and Diseases in the Eastern African Sub-region
In this study of tree and forest pests and diseases conducted in 2015 for the Eastern African sub-region, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya and Rwanda were selected for detailed analysis to provide an overvie...

Situational analysis of commercial and community tree planting in Southern Africa
The review is part of the African Forest Forum (AFF) project on Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) in Africa supported by the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA). It addresses SFM in t...

Status and trends of forests and tree pests and diseases in West and Central Africa
Forests and trees constitute a very important component of natural resources for countries in West and Central (W/C) Africa. The region also has one of the highest rates of deforestation and forest...

Strengthening African capacity to monitor and report on compliance to international processes related to forests and climate change. Working Paper Vol. 3(2)
The African continent remains the most vulnerable region in the world to the impact of climate change, mainly due to weak resilience and adaptive capacity. There is limited knowledge on the relatio...