This sought to generate information and knowledge on climate change issues, to support actors in the forestry sector to formulate appropriate forest policies, programs, plans and activities that ha...
Extending over 624 million hectares (ha), covering 20.6 percent of the continent’s land area and representing 15.6 percent of the world’s forest cover, Africa’s forests have a unique role in contri...
This issue provides a broad overview of some of the most pressing concerns in the forestry sector, with the intention that subsequent issues of this publication will dwell on other equally importan...
This draft protocol has been prepared to guide regional and national
phytosanitary practitioners in West and Central Africa to develop and
implement forest and tree pest and disease surveillanc...
Forests and trees outside forests play an important role on mitigation of climate change through sequestering of carbon from the atmosphere. However, little has been documented on the role of fores...
Teketay D., Mbolo A. M. M., Kalonga S. K.& Ahimin O.Book
Aims of the handbook and how it was compiled
Commissioned by the African Forest Forum (AFF), the general aim of this study was to compile and document, in one publication, the information on FC re...
The purposes of the report are to highlight and promote the great potential roles of forests and trees to contribute to Africas economic development, food security and environmental health and to ...
Chidumayo, E., Okali, D., Kowero, G. & Larwanou, M. (eds.).Book
Even though mature woodlands are considered to be in a steady state with respect to carbon balance, many of these woodlands have been disturbed in the past by man. Under good management, such relat...