Our Governance Model

The Members Forum, the Governing Council, the Executive Committee, and the Secretariat are the key organs of the Forum. There are also committees of the Governing Council: the Executive Committee, the Technical Support Team (TST) to Raise the Profile of Forestry, the Working Group on Climate Change, the Task Force on Resources Mobilisation, and the Finance Committee. Also, AFF has an independent Project Steering and Advisory Committee that provides strategic guidance, scientific quality assurance, as well as financial oversight over AFF’s projects. It also ensures that project implementation stays on course and that all practices reflect AFF’s values of quality participation and inclusivity and pass the threshold of international standards and are consistent with donor and AFF values and principles.

In order to ensure that women, youth and media considerations are effectively mainstreamed in its work, the Council has set up relevant chapters to provide guidance on these aspects. The Governing Council and all the committees have been established with specific purposes and have terms of reference to guide their work.

AFF Governance Model