The African Forest Forum (AFF) in a study on professional forestry associations in southern Africa found out that a majority of formerly active professional forestry associations have gone moribund for several reasons. However, South Africa is the exception in that it has a number of active forest related associations that are backed by a vigorous industrial base. They are well placed to influence public policies in support of the forestry sector. In addition, several countries including Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe have associations of producers, traders and manufactures of forest products. Despite this, there is tremendous interest in virtually every country to strengthen, revive or establish new professional forestry associations; largely motivated by the income generation and poverty reduction ‘policy push’ in virtually every country; and more recently, the new opportunities in forestry to reduce CO2 emissions under REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation) and Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) schemes. The AFF considers it an opportune moment to strengthen, establish or revive both professional and industry associations in a continent that is increasingly becoming aware of the potential role of forests and trees, their contribution to national incomes, livelihoods, and stability of the environment.