Forest sector contribution to Ghana’s GDP declined from 6% in the 1990s to 4% in 2014 as exports of timber and other forest products decreased from 11 to 1.3% of merchandize trade flows (Birinkoran...
Forest resources and trees outside forests provide multiple benefits and have direct and measurable impacts on peoples lives. Forests, trees on farms, and agroforestry systems play import...
Environmental and economic sustainability and human well being are dependent on large, widespread and healthy forests. But current economic policies and conditions mean that forest capital assets a...
Africas economic dependence on its natural resource base makes it particularly vulnerable to climate change. The rural poor, whose livelihoods rely on natural resources, have been among the first ...
The Sahel is a semi-arid climate zone which stretches across Africa south of the Sahara Desert. Only sparsely covered with native shrubs and trees, the Sahel nonetheless sustains the livelihoods of...
Africa is home to the most diverse animal life on the planet. Although wildlife has economic significance, particularly in the tourism sector, it is also a key element of the ecosystems that underp...
African moist forests are enduring ever more pressure from over-use and climate change. Interest is increasing in their contribution to global mitigation and adaptation strategies. The challenge no...
The challenges facing countries and producers of forest products vary with each situation, but there are cconstraints common to many. These include lack of: politiccal will, national dialogue, nati...
In the SADC region both forests and water are highly valued resources and yet there is no clear strategy on how to manage them in an integrated manner. Conceptual clarity on the effect of forest co...
The African Forest Forum (AFF) in a study on professional forestry associations in southern Africa found out that a majority of formerly active professional forestry associations have gone moribund...
Over 65% of the original wildlife habitat in Africa has been lost (Kiss, 1990) as a result of agricultural expansion, deforestation, and overgrazing, which have been fuelled by rapid human populati...
Plantation forestry has taken root in many Sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries and has been a significant component in forestry programmes since the early 1900s. It is convincingly argued by many e...
Africa is characterised by extremely diverse ecological conditions, ranging from humid forests to deserts and from montane temperate forests to coastal mangrove swamps. The total forest, including ...
Community-based forest management (CBFM) was initially defined as "any situation, which intimately involves local people in a forestry activity". Different countries and programmes have continued t...
About 40 million people in the world, almost half of them African pastoralists, depend almost entirely on livestock for their livelihoods. Animal husbandry on rangelands produces about 23 % of the ...
Ruhombe, J., Taal, B. M. & Persson, R.Policy Brief
One objective of the Sustainable Forest Management in Africa (SFM) project has been to identify urgent issues and concerns for Africa to give priority to in international forest processes (IFPs), a...
Public Forest Administration in Sub-Saharan AfricaOne of the case studies commissioned by the Sustainable Forest Management in Africa (SFM) project was on Public Forest Administrations and Related ...
The inception of Forestry Education in Sub-Saharan African (SSA) in the 1920s and 1930s was largely patterned after models already in place in Europe and North America. Much training was at a techn...
The study on which this policy brief is based attempted to examine the wood based industry for the whole of Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). However, due to the lack of sufficient and reliable data on the...