The XV World Forestry Congress is a unique opportunity for the world’s largest global gathering of foresters, held every six years, to strengthen international cooperation with forest supporters and intersectoral partners, to share expertise and experiences, and to project a vision of the future role of forests in global sustainable development. The last five World Forestry Congresses have been held in Africa (2015), South America (2009), North America (2003), Central Asia (1997) and Europe (1991) from a regional perspective.

The next Congress will be held in Korea from 2 to 6 May 2022 to emphasize the role of forests in the context of the Global Forest Goals, Paris Agreement, post-2020 global biodiversity framework and the 2030 Agenda, identify key measures and enrich the prospective future trajectories of forests as the forest sector is adjusting to the post-COVID-19 developments.

Side events provide an opportunity for sharing expertise, best practices and innovations as well as increasing opportunities for dialogue and exchange amongst the Congress’ participants on the theme and subthemes of the Congress. The objective is to enrich discussions and reflection on the XV WFC themes, to strengthen partnerships and knowledge, while the world strives to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, and keep on track towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Side events are open to all interested participants who are registered for the Congress and take place in the official venue during the period of the Congress.

The XV World Forestry Congress is reopening the call for side events on 28 April 2021 under the central theme of the XV World Forestry Congress – Building a green, healthy and resilient future with forests. Applications for side events must be made through the online submission platform. The deadline for applications for side events is 30 July 2021.

Side event applications rejected in the first call will not be reconsidered in this new call.

After the deadline, all requests will be processed based on the criteria outlined in the Information Note and Guidance for Side Events, and meeting rooms will be assigned accordingly taking into consideration the indicated preferred date and time.

The organizers of all accepted side events will be notified by 5 November 2021 and the list of events will be posted on the Congress website.

Any participants having difficulties in using the online submission platform may contact the Secretariat for support through

The XV World Forestry Congress organizers encourage broad participation and applications by forest, agricultural, energy and water sectors, civil society, research and academic institutions, the public sector, especially women and youth groups, and the private sector to share experiences and achievements, promote an interlinkages approach to the review and deliberations during the Congress.

*This information is shared by the African Forest Forum (AFF) on behalf of the XV World Forestry Congress Secretariat of the Korea Forest Service and Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN