The next edition of Nature & Faune Journal due in June 2019 will focus on the central role of biodiversity, protected areas and wildlife in the sustainable development of Africa.

Nature & Faune is a broad multidisciplinary publication for a broad audience in Africa, containing articles, papers and news items from policy makers, researchers, wildlife authorities, and students on topics that are critical for achievement of Sustainable Development Goals. It is a peer-reviewed, open access, international and bilingual (English and French) publication of the FAO Regional Office for Africa.

The invitation to contribute to the next journal issue and a list of overarching areas are provided herewith in English and French. Deadline for submitting articles is 15 April 2019. Guidelines for authors are available here. Past Nature & Faune editions are available here.

Nature & Faune is a peer-reviewed open access international bilingual (English and French) publication of the FAO Regional Office for Africa. Its aim is to disseminate information (scientific and technical knowledge) and promote the exchange of experiences on wildlife, protected area management and the sustainable use and conservation of natural resources in Africa. It is currently produced twice a year under the coordination of the Senior Regional Forestry Officer.