Special Flash

The German CBFP Facilitation has commissioned a package of 6 thematic studies on pertinent issues in Congo Basin forest politics (namely REDD+ in the Congo Basin, Land Use Planning, Transhumance, Ecotourism, Sustainable value chains, China’s role in Central African forestry) as well as an overarching synthesis study. Each study consists of a full study report as well as a short policy brief.

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Publication of the Study Package: Letter from the CBFP Facilitator

I want to thank the authors for their dedicated and high-quality work that went into the production of these studies, as well as UNIQUE consulting for their tireless and engaged support, which made all of them possible.

The studies provide valuable and urgently needed insights into some of the most pressing issues in central African forest policy. But they also show up opportunities and solutions for the future of the beautiful tropical forests of the Congo Basin, which are of such immense value, as the second great green lungs of the world, to all of humanity.

It is my strong hope, that these studies will serve as a valuable resource that informs practitioners of the political, civil society, private sectors and others who are active in the fields of forest conservation, restoration and sustainable land use in the Congo Basin region and share the endeavour to safeguard the continuity of the tropical forests.

Dr. Christian Ruck,

Facilitator of the Federal Republic of Germany of the Congo Basin Forest Partnership and Chairman of the Governing Council of the CBFP

Tourism in the Congo Basin Rainforests: How to accelerate tourism and make it regionally sustainable

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Policy Brief

The role of land use planning in Central Africa

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Policy Brief

Advancing Sustainability in China´s Engagement in the Congo Basin

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Policy Brief


Promoting sustainable value chains in the Congo Basin: An analysis and set of recommendations based on three case studies in producing and importing countries

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Policy Brief


Current State, Barriers and Perspectives for REDD+ in the Congo Basin

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Policy Brief

The Dynamics and Impacts of Transhumance and Neo-Pastoralism on Biodiversity, Local Communities and Security: Congo Basin

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Policy Brief

Protecting the forests of the Congo Basin: Synthesis report of studies conducted during the German Facilitation of the CBFP in 2021

…In addition to this effort at the global policy level, the facilitation commissioned six thematic studies related to specific opportunities and challenges for the forests of the Congo Basin and the people who depend directly on the products, biodiversity and ecosystem services the forests provide. The six studies and a policy brief for each study were prepared between December 2020 and August 2021.