Celebrating 10 years of commitment to Africa’s forests and tree resources

The tenth anniversary of the African Forest Forum (AFF), was organized in partnership with the Kenya Forest Service (KFS) and the Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI), was held at the Amani Gardens, Karura Forest grounds in Nairobi, Kenya. It was attended by over 200 participants from across Africa and outside the continent, representing governments and public agencies, international organizations, the private sector, academic and research institutions, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and community-based organizations (CBOs).


Godwin Kowero

AFF Executive Secretary

I wish to welcome all of you to this celebration of a decade of active service of the African Forest Forum in African forestry. However, before I continue, I wish to introduce you to the people who have guided the process of establishment and running this institution...Read more


Gideon Gathaara

Conservation Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Forestry

Let me take this opportunity to congratulate the African Forest Forum (AFF) for a decade of service to African forestry, and for inviting all of us to come and share its joy. We are all here to celebrate with the African forestry fraternity and friends of African forestry...Read more


Edward Kilawe

Forestry Officer-FAO

Today is the International Day on Biodiversity, celebrated this year under the theme (Our biodiversity, our food, our health). This is a great day for celebrating the AFF anniversary. Forests, trees and wildlife are critical for the 21st AFWC – 5th AFWW ADG Forestry Department...Read more


Anniversary photos

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