The sustainable management of African forest and tree resources is crucial for their long-term use and enjoyment. Key areas in which AFF is active include the improvement of tree seed germplasm, the management of trans-boundary forest ecosystems, the establishment of certification mechanisms, and the support of good forest governance and law enforcement.
Tree Seed Germplasm
Tree seed germplasm Current afforestation, reforestation, and agroforestry activities are frequently characterised by the use of poor quality germplasm, resulting in low productivity, susceptibility to pests and diseases, and possibly, low resilience to climate change. Our work assesses the current status of tree germplasm improvement, production and supply in Africa, and we will develop and initiate pilot activities to promote institutional capacities to enhance the genetic quality of tree seed germplasm.
Transboundary Resources
There are numerous forestry issues of a transboundary and regional nature, such as forest fires, forest-climate interactions, conservation in transboundary national parks, international trade, and forests in transboundary watersheds and river basins. Our work seeks to develop capacity at regional and national levels to analyse regional and transboundary forest issues and support improved management of trans-boundary forest ecosystems.
Forest certification is a mechanism by which well-managed forests are able to communicate information about the quality of forest management to markets. Highquality products that are combined with forest certification can give access to high value markets. Our work aims to establish and strengthen the capacity to carry out certification of forest operations, products, and trade, in order to promote sustainably managed forests on the continent.
Good forest governance, forest law enforcement and trade (FLEGT)
We seek to facilitate and promote improved law enforcement in forestry, good forest management, and fair trade in forest products and services. We support processes such as FLEGT, which aim to institutionalise effective law enforcement, good forest governance, and fair marketing and trade practices, in order that the social and economic benefits of forest resources
can be shared equitably.