Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development Terrace Practices Forester $56,662.05 – $70,770.36 annually This is a temporary appointment with an anticipated end date of April 30, 2019, working with BC Timber Sales, Skeena Business Area, in Terrace BC
BC Timber Sales (BCTS) plans, develops, and sells through auction, a substantial and representative portion of the Provinces annual available timber volume. The bid prices received from auctioned timber support the Market Pricing System (MPS) in setting stumpage rates for coastal and interior operating areas of the province. The costs incurred by BCTS also provide data for the Tenure Obligation Adjustments, contributing to another integral part of the MPS. The goal of BCTS is to provide credible representative price and cost benchmark data for the MPS through auctions of public timber.
To find out more about our program check out the BCTS website.
The Practices Forester is accountable for performing a wide variety of professional services including operational planning, cut block and forest road layout and development, planning and evaluating silviculture activities, and ensuring compliance with the Forest Stewardship Plan. The range of duties assigned to a particular Practices Forester will vary from Business Area to Business Area due to the geographic location, apportionment and management requirements.
Qualifications for this role include:
· A Registered Professional Forester (RPF), or be eligible for registration as an RPF with the Association of BC Forest Professionals (ABCFP) AND two years (gained within the last five years) of experience in operational forestry such as forest tenures, cut-block and road development, engineering, silviculture, harvest operations or compliance and enforcement.
· Must possess at minimum a valid Class 5 B.C. Drivers License that does not limit or restrict the ability to conduct the duties of the job
· Please include your registration number with Association of BC Forest Professionals (ABCFP) within your application, as you, must be registered or immediately eligible for registration as a Registered Professional Forester (RPF) with ABCFP. If you are not yet registered with the ABCFP, please explain how you are immediately eligible (i.e. currently a registered RFP member in good standing in another Canadian jurisdiction and can immediately transfer to ABCFP)