Dissolved organic matter (DOM) drives carbon (C) cycling in soils. Current DOM work has paid little attention to interactions between rain and plant canopies (including their epiphytes), where rainfall is enriched with tree-derived DOM (tree-DOM) prior to reaching the soil. Tree-DOM during storms reaches soils as throughfall (drip through canopy gaps and from canopy surfaces) and stemflow (rainwater drained down the trunk). This study (1) assessed the susceptibility of tree-DOM to the consumption by microbes (biolability); (2) evaluated interstorm variability in the proportion and decay kinetics of biolabile tree-DOM (tree-BDOM), and (3) determined whether the presence of arboreal epiphytes affected tree-BDOM. Tree-BDOM from Juniperus virginiana L. was determined by subjecting throughfall and stemflow samples from five storms to 14-day microbial incubations. Tree-DOM was highly biolabile, decreasing in concentration by 36–73% within 1–4 days. Tree-BDOM yield was 3–63 mg-C m−2 mm−1 rainfall, which could represent 33–47% of annual net ecosystem exchange in Georgia (USA) forests. Amount and decay kinetics of tree-BDOM were not significantly different between throughfall versus stemflow, or epiphyte-covered versus bare canopy. However, epiphyte presence reduced water yields which reduced tree-BDOM yields. Interstorm proportions, rates and yields of tree-BDOM were highly variable, but throughfall and stemflow consistently contained high tree-BDOM proportions (>30%) compared to previously-published litter and soil leachate data (10–30%). The high biolability of tree-DOM indicates that tree-BDOM likely provides C subsidies to microbial communities at the forest floor, in soils and the rhizosphere.