Victoria Falls in Livingstone Zambia. The nearby national park is named Mosi-oa-Tunya Photo: John Walker via Wikimedia Commons
Nairobi, 12 June 2017AFF in partnership with the Government of Zambia is organizing a Regional training workshop for African forestry experts on forest related international agreements between June 26 -30 June 2017 in Lusaka, Zambia.
The workshop is tailored to the needs of senior decision makers and executive staff of national governments, research and academia institutions, civil society and the private sector involved in the development and implementation of decisions emanating from forestry and related international agreements.
The aim is to strengthen the capacity of African institutions and individuals to effectively engage in intergovernmental dialogues, and mainstream decisions from forest related international agreements into relevant national policies, plans and activities for effective contribution to achievement of the relevant multilateral environmental goals and targets. The specific objectives are to:
Build the capacity of forestry actors on the concept, theory and approaches to effective international negotiations;
Sensitize and enhance awareness of the provisions of the forest related international agreements among key actors and promote the objectives of the agreements;
Provide a platform to examine the national obligations arising from the agreements, exchange knowledge and experience on them; and
Determine and recommend the appropriate ways for mainstreaming the provisions of the international agreements into national policies, plans and activities.
At the end of the five day workshop, participants are expected to add to a critical mass of competent African forestry practitioners equiped with negotiation skills and who are knowledgeable on intergovernmental multilateral processes.
The training is organized within the framework of AFFs project, Strengthening Sustainable Forest Management in Africa supported by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). The trained delegates are also expected to help make the continent more effective in engaging in international forestry related processes and mainstreaming decisions from such processes/ agreements into their national policies, plans and actions.
For further information please contact:
The Executive Secretary,
African Forest Forum,
United Nations Avenue, Gigiri
P.O. Box 30677-00100, Nairobi, Kenya.
Phone: +254 20 722 4203.
Fax: +254 20 722 4001/4181