This draft protocol has been prepared to guide regional and national
phytosanitary practitioners in West and Central Africa to develop and
implement forest and tree pest and disease surveillance programmes. The
protocol has been drafted cognizant of the International Plant
Protection Convention (IPPC) and the various guidelines of the
International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs). After the
introduction, the requirements and strategies for pest surveillance,
including the roles of regional (RPPOs) and national (NPPOs) plant
protection organizations in the sub region are discussed. General
requirements for surveillance programmes in the region will include
information and data management, stakeholder participation in
information collection, database creation and management, and
information sharing across jurisdictions. The protocol also provides
highlights on strategies and guidelines for undertaking specific surveys
at national and regional levels. Lastly, requirements for diagnostic
services, capacity development, research and development, funding as
well as advocacy and awareness creation have been provided.