The study team wishes to sincerely thank all the persons and institutions who supported
the conceptualization, field survey, and the preparation of this report. We thank the African
Forest Forum (AFF) for funding the work through the ‘Strengthening management and
use of forest ecosystems for sustainable development in Africa’ project that was funded
by the Swedish International Development Co-operation Agency (Sida). Special thanks
go to Dr. Doris Mutta, Senior Programme Officer with AFF, for coordinating the work; and
to the sawn wood value chain actors including roundwood producers, producer
associations, loggers/harvesters, transporters, and traders/ merchants; and sawmills
drawn from the five regions of the country namely Nairobi, Coast, Lake basin, Western,
Rift valley, central and eastern Kenya who provided the requisite information for this study.
We appreciate key informants from representatives of national and County Governments,
Kenya Forest Service, farmer producer organizations including Nyandarua and Kwale tree
growers’ associations.