Today the Swedish Energy Agency has issued a call for CDM proposals. The call is open until 16 February 2014.
The Swedish Energy Agency invites Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) project participants to submit proposals for future delivery of Certified Emission Reductions (CERs) to the Swedish CDM programme.
Through this call, the Swedish Energy Agency intends to contract up to 10 million CERs that are generated within the eight years of the Kyoto Protocol’s second commitment period from 2013 to 2020, on a forward basis with payment-on-delivery terms.
Priority project types include renewable energy, energy efficiency and waste management. Focus is on projects/programmes that have not yet been commissioned. Projects that are at risk of being discontinued are also of interest. Regions of particular interest are Sub-Saharan Africa and South East Asia.
The objectives of the Swedish CDM programme are to develop the flexible mechanisms to help lay the foundation for continued and expanded international climate cooperation, achieve cost-effective greenhouse gas reductions and contribute to transformational change and sustainable development in the host countries of the projects. The Swedish CDM programme supports projects that demonstrate real examples for a global low carbon development and give rise to other development benefits for their host communities.
“The CDM has proved to be a credible and important tool and has resulted in significant emission reductions in developing countries” says Ola Hansén, Head of the International Carbon Market Unit at the Swedish Energy Agency. “Our funding will leverage new and continued low carbon investments and demonstrates Sweden’s belief that well-functioning market mechanisms will play an important role in the new climate agreement.”
More information on the Swedish Energy Agency Call for CDM proposals:
Press release: