The Research Institute of Environmental Law (RIEL) is the top research center in China for environmental law. Beginning this year, full scholarships will support students to enrol in the Institutes English-language PhD Program. The current scholarship program will be continued into 2018, and beyond, with new One Belt, One Road Initiative funding. Suitably qualified persons from all countries of the world are encouraged to apply. Research is supported in all areas of environmental law, whether focused on China or not. In addition to an experienced and diversified faculty, RIEL is home to two English-language international journals: Climate Law, and the new Chinese Journal of Environmental Law (both published by Brill/Nijhoff). Expressions of interest in RIELs PhD Program should be sent in the first instance to Professor Alexander Zahar, Luojia Distinguished Professor, Research Institute of Environmental Law, Wuhan University, email:
Click for further information on the Scholarship opportunity.