The Global Soil Partnership (GSP) Plenary Assembly constitutes the main venue where all GSP partners come together to make important decisions about the global soil agenda. The meeting’s main highlights will include:
key achievements of the Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils (ITPS) in 2017-2018, the appointment of the new panel of members for another term of three years and the roadmap for 2018-2019;
progresses under each pillar of actions of GSP, especially the presentation of the implementation plans for pillars one and three;
GSP-induced activities, such as the organization of the past symposium on Soil Organic Carbon and Soil Pollution and the proposal for future symposiums;
achievements of the Regional Soil Partnerships through Regional Implementation Plans (RIPs);
communication campaign related to future World Soil Day celebrations and the 2018 Glinka World Soil Prize award; and
organization of the side event: Afrisoils: boosting soil productivity for a food secured Africa.
The Plenary meetings of the Near East and North Africa (NENA) Soil Partnership and the African Soil Partnership will be held during this session on 13 June.
The SDG Knowledge Hub summary of the 5th session of the GSP Plenary Assembly is here.