MAY 16, 2017 – MAY 17, 2017
Forest and Landscape Investment Forum
Kigali, Rwanda
Unleashing business opportunities for sustainable landscapes
The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, in partnership with the Ministry of Natural Resources of Rwanda (MINIRENA), the Rwanda Development Board (RDB), the National Agricultural Export Development Board (NAEB), and Rwandas Green Fund (FONERWA), is delighted to convene the inaugural Forest and Landscape Investment Forum (FLIF). The Forum will be held on 16 17 May 2017 in Kigali, Rwanda. Invitees to the Forum include project developers and business champions from Eastern Africa and investors from all over the world seeking business opportunities in sustainable landscapes.
The Forum will aim to:
showcase business opportunities in forest and landscapes, including those in agroforestry and forestry value chains
create a marketplace for effective forest and landscape project design and increased investment opportunities
discuss business challenges and enabling environments for successful investments
promote a broad spectrum of investments in forests and landscapes. This will include those for environmental, social, economic and financial returns, as well as benefits in terms of Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation (CCA/M), Forest and Landscape Restoration and Land Degradation Neutrality (FLR and LDN)
Target audiences:
forest and landscapes companies and project developers e.g. from Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia
national and international cooperatives and agribusinesses
national and international commercial banks; Development banks; Impact funds; Insurance companies
technical assistance providers that facilitate and support investments in sustainable land use business models such as incubators, accelerators, PPP-facilities
public agencies and institutions able to build and improve an enabling environment for investments
Beyond plenary sessions, a booth exhibition will enable dynamic interactions between participants. Business representatives interested in a booth space are welcome to contact the FLIF team.