A new book by the Joint IUFRO-IFSA Task Force on Forest Education provides inspiration and tips for the next generation of African foresters.

The book titled, Building a successful forestry career in Africa: inspirational stories and opportunities’  features 23 inspiring stories from aspiring and established forestry professionals from 12 countries from Africa, information on tertiary institutions in Africa offering forest-related degree programmes, forest-related networking organisations, tips on obtaining scholarships and potential forest-related career choices. The book is available freely in PDF and a few hard copies printed, with support from the International Union of Forest Research Organizations Special Programme for Development of Capacities (IUFRO-SPDC).

This book is an output of the Young African Forestry Professionals Publications project (YAFP), an initiative of the Joint IUFRO-IFSA Task Force on Forest Education and IUFRO-SPDC.

Recommended citation
Onatunji, A. B., Owuor, J. A., Rodriguez-Piñeros, S., Babalola, F. D., Akello, S. and Adeyemi, O., 2021. Building a Successful Forestry Career in Africa: Inspirational Stories and Opportunities. International Union of Forest Research Organizations, Vienna, Austria. 120 p
ISBN Number: 978-3-903345-09-6

Download the book here: https://www.iufro.org/fileadmin/material/publications/other-publications/building-a-successful-forestry-career-in-africa.pdf
Universities offering forest and forest-related degrees in Africa can order free hardcopy here (Deadline – October 15, 2021):  https://forms.gle/c1Xv32yeKH3AnYLt7 

For more information, click here.

*This information is shared by AFF on behalf of the Joint IUFRO-IFSA Task Force on Forest Education.